


Volunteer Recruitment / ボランティア募集について

Volunteer recruitment has been closed. Thank you for your registration!


The most important team at AOBUC 2024 will be the Volunteer staff team, made up of people who are committed to helping deliver a fantastic Asia Beach Ultimate experience for players and spectators. Without a dedicated volunteer workforce no Championship event would be possible.


AOBUC 2024 volunteers will be provided with the following benefits to support them during their involvement:

  • Accommodation for your volunteer days including the night before your first day
  • Full meals for the duration of involvement (dinner night before and breakfast/lunch of volunteering days)
  • Volunteer original t-shirt and original gift
  • Orientation and training
  • Transportation between the Shirahama and Tanabe beaches as required
  • Full access to the AOBUC 2024 Farewell party


In addition to the benefits, volunteering at AOBUC will create lifelong friendships within the global Ultimate community and build professional and personal networks.  Volunteering is a particularly good way for partners, family and friends of players to contribute to and participate in the event at very low cost.


We are asking volunteers to commit to working either for the morning or afternoon each day for at least two days of the tournament. We will prioritise volunteers who are able to volunteer for the full duration of the tournament, and volunteers that can participate between Wednesday and Friday.

Volunteers will support scorekeeping and timekeeping on the field, score management in the main tent, and other needs at the discretion of the Local Organising Committee.

Unfortunately the organizing committee is unable to support travel to or from Shirahama.


Volunteer applications are due no later than April 30. We will confirm volunteers on a rolling basis, but all volunteers should hear back from the LOC by May 10.

If you have questions, please contact the Head of Volunteers at 2024aobuc-volunteer@jfda.or.jp.








  • 各コートでのスコア・時間管理
  • 本部テントでのスコア・時間管理
  • その他必要に応じて発生する業務


  • 午前または午後のシフトに2日間以上連続で参加できることが条件となります
  • 全日程または平日(6/12(水)〜6/14(金))に参加できる方を優先して採用いたします


  • シフト前日の宿泊
  • 滞在期間中の食事(シフト前日の夕食、当日の朝昼食)
  • ボランティアオフィシャルTシャツとギフト
  • 当日のオリエンテーション・業務説明
  • 白良浜・扇ヶ浜会場間のシャトルバス(必要な場合)
  • 6/15(土)のフェアウェルパーティーへの参加




